Full stack software development experience specializing in user interface design and current on the technologies and services of Vue, Nuxt, Node, Firebase, FireStore, Algolia, SendGrid and Heroku. For recent samples of my work along with video walk-throughs, please visit my Finisher Studio. Some of my interests include learning and writing about blockchain, crypto currencies, tokenomics, and decentralized blockchain governance.
Experience | Education | perry@shenas.com | View LinkedIn Profile
Created a web app template built with Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Node.js that scales
from the infinitely-near-free platform services of Firebase, SendGrid, and Heroku and more.
The Finisher Studio is based on best-of-class web application service providers like Firebase,
SendGrid and Heroku that all offer generous INDEFINITELY FREE accounts, so that you can go from
incubating your app with $ZERO on the free plans to scaling up to a web app of literally
hundreds of servers, serving hundreds of thousands of users, sending millions of emails;
all with a credit card, a few clicks, a few configuration file entries, a few minor template
changes, but no changes to existing code.
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Responsible for development and maintenance of DocumenTree.com. Develop HTML5 compliant SPA
targeting web and mobile platforms for cloud system enabling businesses to collaborate
securely over Internet. Current version utilizes AngularJS, Javascript, and CSS for
front-end; C#, ASP.NET 4.5 and IIS on server-side. Service developed using Microsoft
ASP.Net, C#, Web Services, HTML, DHTML, Javascript, CSS, SQL Server and Windows Server
OS. The service implements real-time synchronization through SignalR, SQL Triggers, and
SQL Agent Jobs where changes to data made by one user are instantaneously broadcast and
updated to all connected users limited only by their respective security permissions.
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dNews is a news and content aggregator, curator and creator for the EOSIO open-source blockchain network protocol community. dNews makes it easier to stay informed by putting everyone on the same searchable multimedia multi-source stream providing a single place for the interested to check the latest and greatest on everything EOSIO and how to participate. Content streams from a curated list of contributing community members are automatically updated every 15 minutes and set in context with other useful resource lists and content. dNews creates an environment for supporting community consensus and proxy voting participation making make it easy to learn, keep up, invest, vote and participate with the phenomena that is EOSIO and its community. dNews is created using WordPress.
Developed custom login and registration process as part of a three person user interface team for a web-based economic forecasting tool produced by a leading economic and intellectual property consulting firm. Created custom multi-factor authentication based on the Auth0 Authentication API, AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, Single Page Applications(SPA), JSON, RESTful API. Programming and collaboration environment included WebStorm, Grunt, Less, npm, Agile & Scrum, Confluence, Jira, BitBucket, Hipchat, Gliffy.
Developed user-interface components for Inktomi Marketplace – configurable shopping site engine and experience. Developed components as Java classes, producing streams of HTML, DHTML, CSS and Javascript dynamically assembled into web pages within Inktomi Marketplace shopping web site. Components executed within marketplace Java-servlet architecture, retrieving configuration data from Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 database, product and promotional targeting information from the Inktomi Structured Query Protocol (SQP).
Earlier career background includes consulting roles as a Software Engineer within projects for Gateway Computers, FICO, Guess International, Riverside California School District, Hewlett Packard, Nicholas-Applegate Capital Management, Chicago Title, Microsoft Corporation, City of West Hollywood, Blue Chip Stamps, Automatic Data Processing (ADP), Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank(HSBC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA Center.